
Budgetbook is a minimalist budget tracking app. The user starts by inputting their monthly income, then adds expenses with dollar values which are automatically subtracted from the monthly total. Expenses can be edited and deleted, with the user’s remaining monthly balance updating automatically to match.

Budget book was our first time working with other developers on a major project. We set off to make a full Stack budgeting application that took in your monthly income and expenses, and told you how much remaining and let you set goals to work for i.e vacations.

I worked mostly on the back end for this project but did help on some of the front end logic with the api calls. the back end turned out pretty much how I expected it to after several iteration.

It seemed like everything was going alright early on, we had spent a bunch of time planning the front end thinking the back end would be self explanatory… it was not. We ran into issues immediately with the back end not returning things the front end devs thought they would, we fixed this by working very closely the rest of the week and over communicating.

This project really taught me the importance of having a solid design in both your front and back end and really to be clear in your api documentation.

Github repo backend

Github repo Frontend

live site