Today during Codesignal time I did not manage to solve any, but worked on almostIncreasingSequence for the whole hour, unable to find a complete solution. For course work today it was Google Workspace Mail Management which started with a warning to not change your DNS records if you are not using a test site. It started off by explaining how to set up MX records for google workspace, which I had to do already in the first course as I was not using a domain set up by Google. After that, we went into how to secure your domain’s email, including setting up SPF records and dmarc and DKIM. It ended the course doing more google admin dashboard stuff, like setting up a block and allow list for incoming and outgoing emails, and how to set up a compliance filter to make sure that none of the employees are saying any naughty words. It’s a very useful course in how to set all this up in google workspace.