Today I overslept a bit because I didn’t feel well yesterday, so I decided to skip Codesignal and moved right into coursework. I have moved beyond Okta for now and am diving into the world of Jira, which starts off by me taking Jira Fundamentals and Jira Service Management Fundamentals. The course is short paragraphs followed by a GIF to show you what they are explaining, with little quizzes at the end of each chapter to make sure you are staying caught up. After each course is a 30-question quiz that you must pass or wait a day to retake.

Jira itself looked very cool, not something I think I could get much of out of my personal career, but it was like Github issues on steroids. Both courses talked about very similar things. Being very similar products, a lot of time was spent on issues and their lifecycle of them along with some Jira best practices. All in all, it was all stuff I probably would have been able to pick up on the fly. Jira seems very intuitive, but a fun way to spend the day and learn about a neat piece of software.