So today is kinda a twofer as there was no blog yesterday due to a nasty finger cut. The courses I took were Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and Google Drive. The course itself was formatted with a few videos followed by exercises following what the videos talked about. It was broken up into sections by quizzes, then to top it off at the end there is a final challenge that goes over everything you have learned about.

These are honestly my favorite types to take as I feel, the way they are set up, I retain more of the information. As far as the course work itself, a lot of it was reviewed. I have been using Gmail for fifteen years for example, and I’m the type of person who really enjoys seeing what settings an application has to offer. Except for Google Drive, as it wasn’t really an application I had used before regularly. It has a lot more advanced sharing than i expected, and the fact that certain Google files don’t count towards your space is also really clutch.