For CodeSignal today I spent my hour getting 9/10 test cases right on commonCharacterCount, but I am failing on a hidden test case. My coursework was not a normal day. I started with the MacBook, which after being left on and plugged in overnight had still not booted to the login screen. After a hard reset, I noticed it progressed to about the exact spot and froze. I wasn’t sure what was going on, so I went through the time-consuming process of repeating my steps yesterday thinking maybe something failed and I did not notice. After some time messing in the utilities I saw an install macOS. I thought maybe a fresh install might be needed but upon clicking install im greeted with an error box saying “can not connect to update server”. Seeing as it asked me to connect to my wifi each time I brought up the utilities I thought maybe the service was down, so I also tried it again in case something on my end was going wrong. After searching around the utilities looking for something that could be useful I look at the top of my screen and noticed I wasn’t connected to wifi. I connected the wifi, went back to the install macOS page, and successfully started the install.

While that was happening, I turned to the coursework I was supposed to be doing Apple Device Support Exam Prep Guide. Which is not a course as much as a giant list of things to learn. Not all of them very concrete ideas like “learn what’s new in macOS”. I started with the section on installing macOS, because of the current problems with it, and started reading walkthroughs on how to do it. I ended my day getting distracted and reading about MDM, which is super exciting but I didn’t have enough time to get a feel for them or find one to play with, but it is a way for admins to manage mobile devices for their company.