Still unsure of a good method of attack for Sort by Height . As I wrote that, I had an idea that did get me 2/5 test passed, but they are the ones that are just some edge case tests and I failed all of the actual tests. My idea seems solid to me though, so I am unsure of why it didn’t work.

For coursework today, there was none! It was an independent day, so that means after spending a little longer than normal starting at code signal I got to watch podcasts all day. I planned on starting with Mac Admins, but it was so good I spent the whole day watching them starting with Episode 275: On Windows 365 and the Mac, which I thought would be a talk about some of the difficulties of making a windows product work on a mac. But instead, it was an interesting talk about how you should just rent a VM for the employees that needed access to windows products. Next on my list was Episode 271: Yubikeeeeyyyyyyssssss, which is a topic that I’ve been kinda intrigued about since a friend mentioned them to me. It talked about the pros and cons of how to use a yubikey, as well as some best practices and some things to watch out for during a full deployment like costs, users losing them, and users not knowing how to use them properly. My final podcast for the night was Episode 252: Patch Management, which intrigued me. They talked about how to get users to want to update, as well as talking about why users won’t want too. It was a great day, and I think I learned a lot without being stressed out with how much I had to get done.