Monday mornings are my least favorite time of the week. CodeSignal was quite fruitful today, although I didn’t get a problem right, I feel like I almost have a good solution for reverseInParentheses. The basis of what I want to do is fairly simple. I need to go to every character in the input string and check if it is a parentheses, and once I find it I split the list into three pieces. The pieces to the left of the parentheses, the characters inside the parentheses, and the rest of the string. Then you flip the string inside the parentheses, strip it of the parentheses, add it to the section of the string to the left of the parentheses, and continue looking for more in the rest of the string.

For course work today, I started speed running certificates beginning with 220-1101 Training Course which is the cert for basic IT knowledge stuff. The whole course is just youtube videos, with no interactiveness from the participant. It started by going over information about laptop hardware, and the difference between the different types of panels. Before going very in-depth about networks, and how to set them up. It was quite the info dump and I will have to revisit a lot of this when I start to study for the cert.