well, I started still pretty stumped on reverseInParentheses, and made no progress on it this morning. Towards the end of the day I had an idea about using .index() to grab the second parentheses, so I typed all of that out and was working on trying to fine-tune it, and carefully reread the instructions and realized how they wanted me to handle the nested parentheses was not how I was doing it and the way I was doing it wouldn’t work. So I am back to square one tomorrow and just hoping to come up with an idea between now and tomorrow morning.

As far as course work was involved, it was 220-1102 Training Course, which was more of the same from the last two videos, just very thorough youtube videos. A lot of reviews here, as it talked about different operating systems starting with Windows, which I’ve been using since Windows 95 so I am fairly familiar with it. It went into the basic features of macOS, which honestly would have been a great thing for me to watch about a year ago before I got my mac, but between near everyday use and having already spent a week learning about macOS, there was not a lot there either. It then went on to talk about Linux command prompts and its features, which are fairly similar to macs it was also just a lot of review. I ended at the beginning of the security section which is not a place I am super familiar with and hope to learn a lot about it tomorrow.