This morning’s code signal did not go that well. While I think my recursion idea would probably work, my method for grabbing the first closing parentheses won’t work, so I need to figure out a grab the last parentheses in a string. Also when I am splitting the string into thirds, I need to figure out the proper way to add the last third back more reliably. It is crashing right now, sometimes failing to find parentheses, and I am not entirely sure why my guard clause is not helping with that.

Coursework wasn’t coursework today, although I did spend a few hours rewatching some videos I felt should be watched again, whether it was me being distracted during it, or just not getting it very clearly. After that I started on the practice tests. I started with the recommendation of Comptia, and requested a few different types of their practice test. To my dismay, there was only 38 practice. Which I scored 33/38 total on and was pretty pleased with the results. Afterward, I was sent Become, which had a lot more questions on it. So I started to dive into them and was still feeling pretty good through most of it, though things like networking I did horrible on. Overall I got a 79% on the tests. Which is a little lower than I would like to be, but now I have things I know I need to study over the weekend. This was a pretty fun week learning about all sorts of computer things and im kinda sad it’s over.