Code signal today was more studying and looking at reverseInParentheses , and honestly I just can’t figure it out and I’m sick of looking at it trying to solve it. So, I asked a friend for help and he gave me how he did it in English, and I think I can bust that out tomorrow as it seems fairly easy, as frustrating as that is.

As for course work, I continued on with my good friend Professor Messor in the N10-008 Training Course. I finished the rest of section three: Network operations, which was really just a few videos on wireless technologies talking about the different standards and encryption. Then I moved on to section 4: Network security. It was pretty interesting, it started by just talking about the basics of security and why it was important. Then moved on to the different types of attacks, and the specifics of how they work. I didn’t take as good of notes on the specifics as I should have, so I will have to do that tomorrow. Then it talked about network hardening, which is the act of making your network more secure, with stuff like SMNP, port isolation, and what seems obvious but changing default credentials. it was a pretty fun day and it was great to learn more about security.