I made some progress in Codesignal today but, honestly still failing to loop backward correctly, it’s a hard thing to wrap my head around as python doesn’t want to do it naturally. I plan on spending more time on it tonight to see if I can get it as now that I have a mostly valid strategy I feel im close.

As far as course work I finished the N10-008 Training Course, and honestly I could not be happier to be done with this week. Networking just doesn’t interest me which is why I have avoided it for so long I think. This probably will not be a test I take without much more prep as I feel I am not ready at all. But as for what I did today it was chapter five: networking troubleshooting. Where we started with learning about cable shielding and how to identify the different types of shielding by the letters on the cable. Oddly, I have an ethernet cord plugged into my Rasberry pi that the letter on it did not match what I was learning about. Then we started learning about software to help you troubleshoot, like a protocol analyzer which enables you to solve the more complete issues it does that by gathering frames in the network and allows you to view traffic patterns, identify unknown traffic and verify packets and security controls. After that it was a lot of repeating information from both this course and previous’s where he talked a lot about wifi signals interfering with each other, I found it interesting that we use three different bands to make sure that router traffic doesn’t interfere with itself in a bigger network. I also found that there is software that you can download, and then walk around your area to find where the signal strength is the weakest, so you know what I will be doing tonight. Gotta see if I could have a good spot to put my third node for my home network. Now that the week is done I’m ecstatic, and most of this I never want to think about again.