Well, I looked at Are Similar?, which is a problem that takes in two lists and you have to tell if they are similar, and similar is defined by they match if you move two elements. I drew a blank. I feel like I have done something like this before but I could not find it for the life of me, it’s going to involve swapping each element in loops but how to do that efficiently is the question.

We continued our road down the SY0-601 Training Course and honestly, I feel like he’s recycling videos as a few times today the content was so similar to previous content, I had to make sure I was in the security-plus section. Although I did finish up the cryptography section from yesterday and that was fairly interesting as well. I’m still not sure how you can mathematically do something to a string that you can’t undo, but the more complicated parts of math are a loss to me anyway. It makes sense that today was a lot of recycled content as it was a lot about network security and a lot of that was covered in networking. Something I had never thought of in cryptography is that the machine that receives that encrypted message has to have enough power in both it’s CPU and actual power source to be able to decrypt that message. Which seems obvious now that I have typed it out, but it’s just something I had never thought of. I am pretty sure that anything chip that weak is doing something very specific, and probably wouldn’t know how to decrypt a message even if it did have the power.